WARNING: DO NOT PLAY "GOING DEEP" if you don't wish to experience feelings of possible discomfort. 


Unlike any other, the game encourages players to explore and share their feelings about themselves and others. It transcends traditional conversation starters, fostering an environment where deep personal thoughts and emotions are at the core of the experience. Unique in its approach, it taps into the need for authentic conversations, embracing discomfort that leads to vulnerability and strengthens bonds. Imagine it as a catalyst for deeper, more meaningful connections.

  • - Stephanie

    "Going Deep was like a refreshing combo of discovery, truth telling, and connection building. I learned something new about every player, including myself! "

  • - Camilla

    "I played this game with 4 close friends on a Sunday night after dinner. None of us expected to go almost 5 hours sharing such deep feelings and connections with each other. One friend said it was a night to remember and even ordered his own deck that same night. Everyone needs a deck!"

  • - Will

    "Played Going Deep with my fam last night- big hit! I feel like Aussies are hard to get feeling out of and most of us were pretty authentic with the answers!"

Available on AMAZON